Distinctions all round with ESB

Congratulations to the 12 fantastic Future Leaders who completed their Level 2 Certificate in Speech with English Speaking Board (ESB). 
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We are thrilled to be working with ESB again this year on another oracy project!

ESB work with young people in under-represented communities, where they help all learners to possess the oracy and English language skills they need to achieve their aspirations. By developing speaking and listening skills, young people gain confidence to express themselves in all situations.


We recently held this year's oracy project in Swindon with 12 of our Future Leaders from Lawn Manor Academy and Lydiard Park Academy. Students worked hard on their Level 2 Certificate in Speech to hone their skills in public speaking with practice interviews and telephone calls. Students also developed valuable employability skills by creating their own CVs and presentations. Gaby Sumner, Villiers Park CEO said:

"The course develops young people’s communication and presentation skills as well as providing practical support with sessions on CVs, job applications and interviews. We ran the course for the first time in 2023 and the feedback was amazing. Students told us that the course increased their confidence, allowed their creativity to shine and helped them to mentally prepare for the future. They also told us how proud they were to present on subjects that they are personally passionate about."

We are proud to deliver this course that empowers our students to recognise that their voice is important and gives them the tools to confidently communicate in all situations!

It is brilliant to announce that all 12 students who participated and worked so hard on the Level 2 Certificate in Speech, have been awarded Distinctions in their assessments. This is a wonderful outcome and a huge credit to the team, as well as our liaisons, Mr Jacklin and Mrs Stewart and tutor Julia Ward.

Want to learn more about this project? Send us an email to programmes@villierspark.org.uk 

Our Impact

We work with hundreds of young people every year, empowering them to succeed in their chosen field. 
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VP where we work June 2022

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